Living Alkaline - 7 Fast Facts About Alkaline Water

Living Alkaline - 7 Fast Facts About Alkaline Water

  • 14 May, 2022

If you are considering an alkaline diet, including alkaline water, you may have a few questions. We’ve put together this brief primer to give you a better idea of how simple this change can be, and how good you will feel afterwards.

  • 1Alkaline water neutralizes the acid build up in our bodies, thus balancing our pH levels in our body’s cells. Acid build up has many causes, including an imbalanced diet, lack of exercise, smoking and other lifestyle factors. When our pH levels are balanced, we feel more energetic and can live fuller lives.
  • 2There are different ways to add alkalinity to your water. You can purchase special filters that attach to your faucet, or use pH booster drops, a more cost effective method that lets you make alkaline water for bottling on-the-go. Becoming healthier should not be an inconvenience.
  • 3The alkaline diet is popular among nutritionists, various doctors and scientists, wellness instructors and celebrities because it incorporates simple lifestyle changes that allow us to be better balanced, both inside and out. “I use alkaline water with my clients because I feel like disease happens in the body when it has an acidic environment,” says Robin Grayson-Cohen, an acupuncturist at Points of Health in Coral Gables, Florida. Chronic pain, immune issues and cancer all grow in an acidic environment.
  • 4Alkaline water helps you heal faster. Extreme sportsman, runner and cyclist Ken Shuart swears by the stuff. “The quicker recovery from strenuous activity has been noticeable,” says Shuart, who is 53 years old. “I ran 100 miles this weekend and I feel fine today.”
  • 5Alkaline water is safe for children, as it has no added chemicals. Alkaline is a mineral that when added to water, increases the overall pH balance. It does not replace any medications you might otherwise be prescribed.
  • 6150,000 people in the United States have acid reflux, which can manifest itself in heartburn or burning in the oesophagus, as well as asthma and asthma related symptoms. Alkaline water has dramatically improved these symptoms for many people, and doctors are suggesting it more frequently to their patients.
  • 7Alkaline water has been shown to not only help people feel great, but also help them age slower. By supporting the body’s immune system through balancing the pH levels, alkaline water detoxes the body of mainly harmful chemicals and acid build up.

    You can view our range of alkaline water products here